Category: Uncategorized

Does Modern Church Need More Sunshine and Less Spotlight?

By sethmsparks

I Blame Lula Rogers Remember “Pure Country”? That feel-good movie where country singer Dusty ditches the pyrotechnics and laser shows to get back to his roots? The one about dancing chickens, and the little white bit at the top of chicken poop still being chicken poop? Yep, that one! As a kid, I watched that…

We’ve got a lot to learn. Get started with Blinkist.

By sethmsparks

If you’re like me and feel like there’s too much to learn… to catch up on… to know in order to be an ally for the black community – then I’m going to recommend Blinkist. I’ve used it for years for business books, but I’m finding myself exploring other genres and domains lately. According to…

The Disney+ Launch Experience is Too Basic for 2020

By sethmsparks

I, along with about 10 million of my friends, logged in to Disney+ for the first time yesterday. Excited both by the shiny new app, and also by one of the most beloved collections of content ever known to man, I was one of the crazies who opted to pay for 3 years of the…

Week 7 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

Our final week of Module 3: Visual Design and the final week of this course had us studying Aesthetics. We began the week with an overview of a variety of design principles like color, layers, transparency, textures, patterns, and contrast and how they are all defined and used in creating a cohesive, immersive, enjoyable design.…

Week 6 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

Week 6 has been focused on typography. I’ve never been as consciously uncertain about every text formatting decision I’ve made as I was this week. Starting to learn about how text should be used, while you’re still not an expert is fairly disconcerting. However, after this week’s assignment, I feel a bit more competent in…

Week 4 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

This week’s assignment was to create a flowchart for the user process of performing a mortgage insurance inspection. Creating the flow chart itself was difficult because I anticipated a lot of individual steps for the user based on all of the document they need to collect. I’m hoping that I went about it correctly, so…

Week 3 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

I really enjoyed this week’s readings. I’ve always found work that studies how our brains operate fascinating and reading about how memory works has been no different. I constantly feel like I should be memorizing both of the books that we’re reading. I do plan on spending some time trying to memorize Norman’s section on…

Week 2 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

This week has been pretty fascinating, examining the eyes and the mind. As people, we get habituated to our vision and take for granted how it works both for and against us. Understanding how the eye receives light, and then how the brain interprets it to serve both survival and cognitive purposes now seem obvious…

Week 1 – UXD Principles and Concepts

By sethmsparks

Preface – As of Jan 2019, I’ve enrolled at Kent State University, seeking a Masters of Science in User Experience Design. As such, certain coursework in the curriculum will require regular blog posts (reflections) of weekly learnings. This is the first of those posts. In reflecting on Week 1 in UXD Principles and Concepts, I…